PO BOX 88 Bath, NH 03740

Welcome to the new Bath Fire Department web site! The fire department has developed this site to make it easier for the citizens of Bath to get information regarding emergency services in Bath as well as the surrounding area. On this site you will find information about Bath Fire, Bath police, Bath Emergency Management as well as links to other regional and state agencies. In addition, we will be adding helpful information on subjects the public can use to make their homes and businesses safer.
We will also, at appropriate times, have information of upcoming events, trainings, budget issues, and other public interest information.
You will find pages which will highlight our equipment, the fire fighters that serve you, their training, and pictures of incidents in town as well as incidents that we respond to in neighboring towns.
The officers and members of “your fire department” are dedicated to public safety in Bath and I am very proud of the manner in which they perform their duties. It is my hope that the residents of Bath will take advantage of this site and find it useful.
William A. Minot
Chief, Bath Fire Department